Home with Heart Smoke in Chimney

Home is Where the Heart Is

The NCEA is pleased to announce a new checklist, “Home is Where the Heart Is.” Ensuring the health and welfare of our friends and family is of the utmost importance, even if you’re caring for them from distance. 

Whether you are visiting over a long weekend or checking in over the phone, this checklist will give you tips on how to stay socially connected with your older loved ones and prevent elder abuse: http://eldermistreatment.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/NCEA_HomeHeart_Checklist.pdf 

If you experience issues with the listserv, please send questions, feedback and/or requests to modify your subscriber settings to the listserv managers at [email protected]. To change your listserv status, please refer to the NIH confirmation email which details command functions. To reply or send a message to the entire NCEA listserv, address your post to [email protected]. The NCEA ElderAbuse listserv is administered by the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California as a service of the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) and is supported in part by the U.S. Administration for Community Living. Send feedback or questions to the listserv manager at [email protected]. Thank you.


The mission at FAST is to increase public awareness of financial exploitation with the goal of mitigating risk of exploitation and protecting our state’s vulnerable populations.

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