Intervention and Prevention

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day WEEK

Wednesday, June 14th: Intervention & Prevention  

Elder abuse is widespread, impacting one in 10 community-dwelling older adults in the U.S. each year. Yet, a majority of cases go unreported and unaddressed. The first step to preventing elder abuse is recognizing the red flags of abuse and knowing where to turn for help. Effective interventions require a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach and involve a range of strategies to prevent further mistreatment and reduce harms for those who have experienced abuse. Learn and share the warning signs, response resources, and strategies to reduce risk factors associated with elder mistreatment (such as social isolation) to keep everyone safe as we age. 

  • #ElderAbuse is a complex problem that requires coordinated, multidisciplinary responses. Together, we can develop and promote effective interventions to keep everyone safe as we age. #WEAAD 
  • Social isolation is a known risk factor for #ElderAbuse. Let’s create opportunities for people of all ages to build connections, stay engaged, and prevent #ElderAbuse. #WEAAD  
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